Cheating Fate, a realistic fiction novel by Audrery Pfitzenmaier tells the story of four teenagers living in BC, all whom have grown up together as the best of friends, since kindergarten. After recovering from a snow accident that happened the previous year, they discover that the same frightening flashbacks and memories they shared, occurred amongst them all, while they were in a near death state. Uncovering the scary truth that their futures hold they decide to split up; Cassidy with Kyle and Jeremy with Sukh, in order to cheat fate. The night they part tension rises between Kyle, Jeremy and Cassidy when a love triangle slowly comes into play. Later, as Cassidy is dating Kyle she realizes what she wants might not be with Kyle after all.
I thought that this book was packed with action and suspense which made it a fun read and a definite page turner. I found that the way Audrey Pfitzenmaier described events that took place in the book, created a totally realistic plot and allowed me to connect with each character as well as visualize what was happening. Personally i would rate this book a 5 out of 5 because it was well written and interesting. Also i would certainly recommend it to my classmates.
this looks really good.... its written really well also! do you tend to read realistic fiction books because i don't really but this sounds good.
hahaha yeah i really like it!! and thaannkksss i loved youurs too
Sounds cool. I don't really like realistic fiction but like Amanda I might try it out.
cool hahaha ive had it for like a monthh
i think that it sounds really good! your description of it is really good! I like realistic fiction so i might try it out. But one thing, does it describe the accident in depth?
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