Black Box by Julie Schumacher is about two sisters, Elena and Dora who have gone through their whole lives together as best friends. When the older sister Dora is hospitalized and diagnosed with a mental heath problem, Elena is worried about her sister and is also wondering why her sister didn't tell her about anything she was going through. As the story progresses, Dora goes through her up's and down's with her rehab. While all of this is happening to Dora, it is also very tough on her sister Elena. Elena finds her-self building a strong friendship with a so called "bad boy" named Jimmy. Jimmy gives her some tips on how to get through the rough times and he reveals a secret to Elena that she never expected. As the story keeps going, Dora seems to start trusting Elena with more and more detail and information on what is going on with her. Elena has to manage keeping her sister's secrets while making sure that her sister doesn't hurt herself more that she already has. In the midst of that, every night, she hears her parents fighting. All of this might just be as hard for Elena as it is for Dora.
This book is a page turner and isn't very long. I think that the plot was very good and was well written. It really grabbed my attention and kept me interested. I would give this book about a 8 out of 10. As I said before, it really kept my attention and kept me wondering and wanting more.
Anna, you did a really good job on this post. You captured the essence of the book as well as the dilemmas Elena has to face without giving away too much of the plot. It's a realistic, intense read, and well worth picking up.
this book was pretty good, but during the end it got slightly boring. i didn't like the ending all that much, but over all it was good
yeah, Liana, i agree i really liked the book, but at the end it kind of got more boring... But otherwise, i really liked it.
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